"Ageing, Place and Home"

Project description 

HOMeAGE (2023-2026) is a European Union-funded  Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral training network between nine universities and more than twenty governmental and non-governmental sectors that aims to institute an interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international programme of doctoral training and research that drives the development of new leaders in excellence for the advancement of evidence-based innovation on ageing in place.

Ageing in place is critical to the future of ageing societies in Europe. Older people’s places are recognised as fundamental to long term health and wellbeing outcomes. With 92 million community-dwelling older people in Europe, and a projected increase to 130 million by 2050, targeting advances in ageing in place is crucial. However, there is a striking absence of research leaders who can negotiate cross-discipline, cross-sector research-policy deficits, and who will lead coordinated developments. The HOMeAGE Doctoral Network responds to this absence. HOMeAGE will address three interconnected challenges of (1) needs and systems, (2) home and belonging, and (3) rights and voice, through the work of the 12 DRs and their individual research projects (IRPs).


This research project is funded by the European Union.



Ageing in place

Partners project 

Prof. Kieran Walsh – NUI Ireland Galway (project coordinator):

The partners involved from Belgium are SARLab (VUB), Kenniscentrum Welzijn, Wonen Zorg, and Age Platform Europe.

Other beneficiaries and partners are:

Masarykova Univerzita, Goethe Universität Frankfurt Am Main, INRCA, Open Universiteit, University of Tampere;

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Hasselt University, Oslo Metropolitan University,  Università Politecnica Delle Marchel,

Department of Health (Ireland), International Federation on Ageing (Canada), Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Stichting Vilans, Gerontological Institute (Czechia), Tech4Care, The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Age Action Ireland, Transportokonomisk  Institutt, PI Consultancy NL & World Health Organisation

Want to know more?

Contact persons

Prof. dr. An-Sofie Smetcoren - An-Sofie.Smetcoren@vub.be

Prof. dr. Liesbeth De Donder - liesbeth.de.donder@vub.be

Dr. Sofie Van Regenmortel - sofie.van.regenmortel@vub.be
Lu Stoisser - Luise.Lilo.Stoisser@vub.be
Pamela Suero - Yudi.Pamela.Suero.Samboy@vub.be