Loose ends

Care expenses of frail, home-dwelling older adults

Project Desription

In 2016, we commissioned by insurance company DKV Verzekeringen to measure the financial capability of older adults living at home and in need of care. The aim was to gain insight into all expenses associated with living at home, such as medical and care expenses, as well as well-being, housing and living costs.  


In a quantitative study, older adults keep track of their income and expenses for an entire month. This study does not have the ambition to be representative of the financial capability of all older adults in Flanders and Brussels. The emphasis is explicitly on older adults in disadvantaged situations, more specifically older people in need of care, older people struggling with health problems and/or older people who are socially and economically disadvantaged.  




Care expenditures, health problems, socio-economic disadvantages, older adults in disadvantaged positions 


  • EVA vzw
  • Lokaal Dienstencentrum Aksent Brabantwijk
  • Lokaal Dienstencentrum Chambéry Etterbeek
  • Maison BILOBA Huis
  • Regionaal Dienstencentrum Socialistische Mutualiteit Brabant (RDC)
  • Stad Antwerpen

Want to know more?

DKV Report [In Dutch]

2016 DKV Rapport Losse Eindjes
PDF – 1,1 MB 42 downloads

Contact person

Prof. Liesbeth De Donder – Liesbeth.De.Donder@vub.be  



Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel
