Lokaal samenwerken in zorgzame buurten 

Description project

A caring neighbourhood does not come about by itself. In this study, we examine the perceived added value of the 35 initiatives that the Dr. Daniël De Coninck Fund supported for projects to create caring neighbourhoods at the local level. The 35 promising practices are attempting to build a caring neighbourhood through very different approaches. By means of an online survey and qualitative focus groups through participant-generated photo-elicitation, this research examines the result and process of these initiatives. It zooms in on the obstacles, opportunities and success factors for realizing caring neighbourhoods 



Caring neighbourhoods 


Want to know more?

De Donder, L., Hoens, S., Stegen, H., Kint, O. & Smetcoren, A.S. (2021). Lokaal samenwerken in zorgzame buurten. Report for Fonds Dr. Daniël De Coninck, Koning Boudewijnstichting. [In Dutch]

Contact person

Prof. Liesbeth De Donder - Liesbeth.De.Donder@vub.be