Detection, support and care for older people: prevention and empowerment

Project Description

Building on the insights of the PhD-dissertation of Nico De Witte on multidimensional frailty, the D-SCOPE project (2015-2018) aims to identify strategies for proactive detection of community-dwelling older people at risk of frailty, and to guide them towards appropriate support and/or care, with a focus on empowerment.  


The starting point is a multidisciplinary and demand-driven perspective: physical, cognitive, psychological, social and the perceived environment of older people. The emphasis is on prevention and empowerment based on the perceived needs of older people. During the project, there is an intensive collaboration with social partners represented in the user group. We develop, test and evaluate appropriate interventions, instruments, recommendations and tools. 


This project is funded by the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT).   



Frailty, older people, detection, prevention, empowerment, person-centred care 


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 

  • Promotor prof. Schoenmakers 
  • Promotor prof. De Lepeleire 

Universiteit Antwerpen 

  • Promotor prof. Engelborghs
  • Promotor prof. De Deyn 

Universiteit Maastricht 

  • Promotor prof. Schols 
  • Promotor prof. Zijlstra 
  • Promotor prof. Kempen †

Hogeschool Gent  

  • Promotor prof. De Witte 

Vrije Universiteit Brussel 

  • Promotor prof. De Donder
  • Promotor prof. Dierckx
  • Promotor prof. Kardol
  • Promotor prof. Verté 

Want to know more?

Contact person

Liesbeth De Donder – Liesbeth.De.Donder@vub.be