Suzannah D'Hooghe
Suzannah obtained her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the KU Leuven (2017) and her Master's degree in Conflict and Development at Ghent University (2018) with high honors. After one year of working as a Clinical Research Associate at The Clinical Company, she started working as a doctoral candidate on the CIVISANO project. The CIVISANO project is funded by Sciensano and is a collaboration between Sciensano, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Ghent University.
Her research focuses on health inequality and community-based participatory research in the local setting of municipalities in Flanders. She works closely with local governments, local stakeholders and citizens to investigate the role of perceived environmental determinants in exercise and nutrition behavior among adults in socioeconomically vulnerable positions. In doing so, she uses both quantitative methods (questionnaires) and qualitative methods (walk-along, photovoice and group model building).
- D’Hooghe, S., Inac, Y., Deforche, B., Van Dyck, D., De Ridder, K., Vandevijvere, S., Van de Weghe, N., & Dury, S. (2023). The role of the perceived environment for recreational walking among adults in socioeconomically disadvantaged situations: A study using walk-along interviews. SSM Population Health, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101456
For a full overview: Pure Databank
- Health inequality
- Role of the local environment
- Physical activity and nutrition
- Walk-along, photovoice, focus group, group model building
Email: Suzannah.DHooghe@vub.be
Telephone: +32 472 74 65 11