Luise (Lu) Stoisser
Luise Stoisser is an interdisciplinary researcher from Vienna. For the Research Master Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam they moved to the Netherlands where they received extensive training in conducting critical research. Specifically, Luise used CBS administrative data to study Dutch residential mobility at the Planbureau voor Leefomgeving.
Further, in their Master Thesis, they applied mental mapping to inquire into the experiences of home of queers living in LGBTQ-centered co-housing groups. As a mixed methods researcher, they are interested in bringing together macro trends and lived experiences of issues surrounding older adult’s home(s) – especially those of groups vulnerable to social exclusion in later life.
They started their PhD in September 2023 as part of the interdisciplinary and international project HOMeAGE. As part of this Doctoral Network, they will study residential relocation in later life, its effects on social exclusion and alternative housing systems as a potential way to mediate negative relocation outcomes.
- Rainer, C. & Stoisser, L.: Binarität brechen: Datenerhebung und ‑analyse inklusiver gestalten. Kurswechsel. http://www.beigewum.at/kurswechsel/jahresprogramm-2023/kurswechsel-4-2023-feministische-oekonomie-progressive-krisenantworten/
- Geographies of home
- Residential mobility
- Geographies of aging
- Collaborative housing
- Geographies of sexuality
- Inequalities
e-mail: luise.lilo.stoisser@vub.be