Alexis Creten



Alexis Creten started in 2022 as a researcher in the Tadamoun Project. This project aims to understand the causes of the underuse of home assistance services by older citizens of the Helmet neighbourhood, in Schaerbeek (Brussels), and to experiment with possible solutions. This co-creation research combines several participatory methods to explore, with the actors directly concerned, the multiple themes that intersect within the research: social diversity and exclusion, material and spatial framework, organisation of health care, care in an urban context, participatory dynamics in assistance and care, etc.

He developed his interest in urban issues during his master's degree at the ULB and then at the CESIR (Université Saint-Louis - Brussels), before focusing more specifically on public health issues in urban context at the IRSS (UCLouvain).


  • Creten, A., Van Durme, T., (2021). Évaluation du dispositif Dionysos. Research Report. Brussels: UCLouvain. 

  • Thunus, S., Creten, A., Mahieu, C., (2021). Vaccessible : une étude qualitative des actions locales de vaccination implémentées en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale face à la pandémie du coronavirus. Research Report. Brussels : UCLouvain and ULB.

  • Creten, A., Mezoued, A., Letesson, Q., (2021). Fluidity of movement and pedestrian inconvenience in the shopping streets of Brussels. Brussels Studies, General Collection, n°158.

  • Mezoued, A. Letesson, Q. Fenton, G. Creten, A. (2020). The walkability of the metropolitan city centre as lever for Brussels’ mobility transition. In: S. Vermeulen, A. Mezoued, J.-P. De Visscher (Ed.). Towards a metropolitan city centre for Brussels (pp.217-242). Brussels : Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles and EUBPress.


ORCID: 0000-0002-8703-1410


  • Participation in health and care

  • Access and use of care

  • Social inequalities

  • Urban Issues – Brussels